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Types of Solar PV systems available for you.

Usually when it comes to solar PV systems, the first questions people normally ask revolves around individual appliances. They ask question like, "Can solar power my air-con?" or "Can solar power my ref?". These are sensible questions but for starters, there are actually 3 ways on how solar can help you. There are 3 types of solar installation, the GRID-TIED, the OFF-GRID and the HYBRID systems. Lets talk about their differences.


This system connects your solar PV system to your main breaker. This system is based and designed to lessen your monthly electric bill as a whole. It will feed electricity to everything that consumes electricity on your establishment. Thru a process called net metering, the excess electricity produced by this system is fed back to the gird (to your power provider) and is credited to your bill next month.


- It has the lowest Investment cost (no need to invest in batteries)

- It has the Lowest ongoing maintenance cost (no need for battery maintenance and replacement)

- Its the most efficient (no losses associated with charging batteries)


- Needs a power grid to connect with.

- No power when the grid is down (you dont have batteries, your back up is your main power provider. If they are down, your solar PV system is also down for that span of time)


This system connects your solar PV system to your batteries. The capacity of your batteries determines how many appliances you can support using your solar PV system. Simply put, your solar PV system charges your batteries, and your chosen appliances eats electricity from those batteries.


- It is independent from the grid (you still have power when the grid is down as long as the batteries are charged)

- Depending on the size of the system, you can be independent from the utility company.


- It has higher inital investment cost due to batteries

- It has higher ongoing maintenance and replacement costs due to batteries.

- Your gonna need a back up generator just in case (cloudy days)

- Safe and reliable operation is your responsibility


This system combines GRID-TIED and OFF-GRID solar PV systems into one. Your solar PV system operates like a grid-tied system while connected to the grid, at the same time it charges your batteries as back up option when the grid is down. And then keeps your house powered even on grid black outs.


- Provides the advantages of both grid-tied and off-grid systems.


- It has the highest initial investment cost

- It has the highest ongoing maintenance costs


Now that you know the different types of solar PV systems and their individual pros and cons, Its time to determine what system suits you best.

If you are connected to a power provider, the best system that we can recommend for you is the grid-tied system. Its the most practical. You've got a reliable back up, and you don't have to buy, maintain and replace any batteries.

If you live somewhere without a power provider available. Then the off-grid system is just right for you. You will generate your own electricity using solar, then back it up with a generator from time to time.

If you want to benefit from the full potential of solar energy, then chose the hybrid system. It provides you savings and a back up at the same time.

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